Kingdom Chapter 701: Riboku Is Coming! Release Date & Plot Updates

Kingdom Chapter 701

Young Comic

With the arrival of one of the Three Great Heavans, the story of Kingdom will take a wide turn. Kanki’s actions have not enraged the people of Zhao, but he has also put his King in a tough position. Wiping as much blood will not be easy for King Sei. The official plot details of Kingdom Chapter 701 point towards a dark turn in the war. Riboku will be returning to Zhao after three years. So, here is everything you need to know about his arrival.

The next chapter of Kingdom already has much political drama in the store. As Sei tries to resolve the disagreements within his army, the men of Zhao are also playing pawns and bishops. But Riboku’s arrival will change everything in this war. From the position of stalemate, what will Kanki choose to do this time? The next outing will look into all the strategies and political warfare.

Young Jump Comics

Kingdom Chapter 701: Plot Details!

The next chapter of Kingdom will begin at Zhao, where the people are still grieving the loss of their brothers, fathers, husbands, and sons. The people are discussing if they should flee the city before the butcherers arrive. But they are still hoping the Renpa will come to their aid. And thus, the warrior arrived. Inside the courts, the generals are also betting on General Renpa to fight for them.

Kakukai will mention that Renpa is a legendary warrior, and he has battled Rinshoujo. However, he will not read the message from Renpa to the King. Instead, he will communicate that Renpa was well and willing to fight. It will also be decided that Riboku will return after three years to avenge the loss of Kochou’s men. Kingdom Chapter 701 will end with the King sending an immediate message to one of the three great heavens. Fans can also expect to see Sei’s side as he preps his men to march towards Heiyou and Bujou.

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Young Jump Comics

Previous Chapter Recap!

The 700th chapter of Kingdom began with the conversation between King Sei and Shin. The two of them strode off to the outskirts of the Warfield. Brooding over the sunset, Shin took Sei to the mountain of Eikyuu. The King told him that the mountain was so steep that it took a lifetime triumph to reach Kochou’s headquarters. But when they reached, Kanki had already massacred all his men. Shin explained that Kanki’s actions are going to have serious consequences.

The people of Zhao would not only want victory, but they are also after vengeance. Sei then explained that he would be taking his men to the two strongholds of Heiyou and Bujou. After impregnating the castles, they will move towards Zhao’s royal capital, Kantan. The chapter ended with a messenger running towards Zhao’s Seika City, shouting the words, ‘urgent news from Kantan.’

Young Jump Comics

Kingdom Chapter 701: Release Date

The latest chapter of Kingdom will move forward with wits and politics. Sei is marching towards grave danger. After sixteen years, he is ready to take back what Kantan snatched away from him. So, Kingdom Chapter 701 will release this Sunday on November 28, 2021. Fans can read all the latest chapters of Kingdom only in Shueisha’s Young Jump Comics. For more updates, stay tuned to The Anime Daily.

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