My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339: Where Is The Dagger? Release Date

My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339


My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339 is up with a brilliant release this week. The climactic storyline is finally playing out in the manga. The Demon Queen and her husband have finally found their way inside the Demon Palace. But the bigger challenge here is to find the dagger in which lays the powers of Isabelle. So, can the team find the dagger without getting busted? Here is everything you need to know about the chapter.

The next outing will be an interesting one. If liberty is taken to use the term ‘Endgame,’ the story is at the exact same point. The ultimate goal is to find the dagger, get back Isabelle’s powers and dethrone Lillian as the Demon Queen.

My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339: What Will Happen Next?

The upcoming chapter of My Wife is a Demon Queen will continue the infiltration storyline. As of yet, none of the three teams has managed to find the dagger. The bigger problem here is that the invisibility spell only works for a quarter of an hour. So, if they don’t find it in that time, all of them will be exposed to the guards in the castle, and ultimately to Lillian. From how the story has been moving forward, it is likely that one of the three teams will be caught red-handed.

This will ultimately lead to a fight scene between the two sides. But Xiang and Isabelle will try their best to avoid this. If caught, the demon wife will have no power to fight Lillian or even her guardians. My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339 is expected to end with one of the teammates finally finding the dagger.

Previous Chapter Recap!

In last week’s chapter of the popular manhua, the story started with the mission to infiltrate the Demon Palace. Xiang analyzed the situation and understood that it would not be easy to get inside the structure. So, it was decided that Xiao Kong would be stay behind because of his size, and only the others would get inside the castle. After he took his leave, Isabella cast the demon spell to trace the map of the palace.

Xiao then used the forging method to put the map inside everyone’s minds. Later, he told Emery to cast the invisible spell over them as they were all splitting up. Inside, their first role was to find Isabelle’s dagger that had absorbed all his magic. The team of three would go to the Demon Temple, the Collection Room, and Isabelle’s former bedroom. After the dagger was found in none of these places, Eli suggested that they also check out Lillian’s room. Towards the end of the chapter, Xiang Ye decides to steal the Demon Flag from her room.

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My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339: Release Date

The 338th chapter has only come out with a new chapter. My Wife Is A Demon Queen Chapter 339 has the potential to become an amazing outing. After infiltrating the castle, what will be the next step? All answers will be out this weekend, on February 12, 2022. Fans will find all the manga chapters only in the official pages of the Korean distributors. So, stay in touch with this space to get more updates.

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