One Piece Chapter 1048: “20 Years” Release Date & Plot

One Piece Chapter 1048

One Piece Chapter 1048 will bring a flashback scene of the events after Oden’s death from 20 years back. The scene will bring Kaidou rushing to Momonosuke. At the same time, the present time will be just as chaotic. While Raizo’s water has sent relief to all, there is much ye to be taken care of. Plus, Luffy and Kaidou are fighting the greatest battle of the series. Much about Orochi is also revealed. However, the end scene might bring some relaxation to the Straw Hat Pirates. So, here is everything about the latest chapter.

The following chapter will continue the fight between Kaidou and Luffy. However, a very important flashback scene will appear later. The scene will date back to 20 years ago after Oden’s death. It will also show how Orochi was feared since he had Kaidou by his side. So, the next release will be all about it.

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One Piece Chapter 1048: What Will Happen Next?

One Piece Chapter 1048 will begin with Momonosuke losing hope since he does not think that he can move Onigashima. However, after reliving a memory of his parents, he will gain confidence and continue doing the deed. The scene will shift to Kaidou announcing that the hero of Wano died 20 years ago. He will then transform into a fire dragon. His technique is called ‘Kaen Daiko.’ Soon, Kaidou will realize that it is Luffy who is prophecied to save everyone. Finally, a flashback scene will break in.

After Oden’s death, Kaidou will aim to travel to Momonosuke. The citizens will counter him, but he will kill them all. On the other hand, Orochi will be seen celebrating after knowing that he has terminated the Kozuki family. Meanwhile, the samurai will dare to avenge Oden. However, he will face defeat against Kaidou. The scene will cut to Kaidou torturing and enslaving people. However, the samurai do not lose hope. The final panel will once again bring Luffy and Oden’s fight to might.

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Previous Chapter Recap!

One Piece Chapter 1047 began with Momonosuke venting that it is tough to make large flame clouds. However, a memory of his mother brought him composure. He wished to run away with his sister. But now, he is older and does not just present as Oden’s heir but much more. Finally, after reliving the moment of his mother’s departure, he gained sense and continued to stop on the island. Meanwhile, the fight between Luffy and Kaidou was exposed.

Luffy’s new technique to hold lightning is called Gomu Gomu no Thunderbolt. On the other hand, Kaidou transformed into his dragon form. Hyogoro questioned everyone if they would rather have Luffy win and die in the process or have Kaidou’s victory. The samurai assured that he would rather die and let the innocents live. Meanwhile, Orochi announced that he will Hiyori with him. The final panel had Luffy ready to blast Kaidou off with his inflatable hand.

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One Piece Chapter 1048: Release Date

One Piece Chapter 1048 will surely be an intense read. So, the upcoming chapter will release on May 8, 2022. The series is available on Viz Media and Manga Plus. So, for more updates, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.

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