Overgeared Chapter 119: Greed & Damian Are Protagonists! Release Date

Overgeared Chapter 119


After the longest wait, the 118th chapter finally made it to the table. And without a doubt, the wait was worth each second. ‘Another Protagonist’ was a turning point in the story as it introduced another main character to the story. Now, each chapter will play not only Greed’s part but also Damian’s role as well. Overgeared Chapter 119 is lined up for a release this week, and it will take us to the dark realms of the Golem Labyrinth. Thus, here is everything you need to know about the next chapter.

The forthcoming chapter will open with Greed moving forward with making another part of his Gear. The successful make of Greed Boots will inspire him to complete the entire bodysuit. Later on, he would also pass on this skill to his students. On the other side, Damian’s adventures will also be explored in depth.

Overgeared Chapter 119: What Will Happen Next?

Two consecutive stories are playing out in Overgeared at the same time. After the previous outing, ‘Another Protagonist,’ the attention is divided between two main characters. One is driven by a passion for winning and forging Gear. The other one has a more personal reason to be in this fight. Damian has only begun the quest of becoming a pope and saving Isabelle from a horrible death. The next chapter is expected to open with developments in Minor’s hunt.

Looking for Labyrinth Golem is not something everyone can pull off with ease. This is why Greed gave this opportunity to a budding fighter. Overgeared Chapter 119 will also feature Damian and his journey through the towns. All this will happen as Greed continues to build other parts of his Gear.

Previous Chapter Recap!

The 118th chapter of Overgeared started with the Satisfy Daily news drill. The anchors reported that the top 100 rankings were changing rapidly. The members of the Overgeared Guild were speeding up in the ranks. This was reportedly due to them hunting strong monsters across the board. However, Greed was worried that he could not break into the top 7 even after four months of hard work. Thus, he called Minor and assigned him the task of finding Golem Labyrinths in the west.

Plus, he also came to the conclusion that starting with Piaro’s revenge would be the best step forward. The 30 blacksmiths that Khan had trained would form the best team for this move. Then, Isabelle was introduced in the story. Of all the people in the guild, Damian was the only one willing to take care of her. But Pascal was secretly working to eliminate even him. The chapter ended with Damian beginning the quest of becoming a pope while Greed taught his underlying how to forge the Greed Boots.

Overgeared Chapter 119: Release Date

‘Another Protagonist’ brought a fresh perspective to the monotone of Greed’s life in Overgeared. Now, Overgeared Chapter 119 will open the possibilities of more drama in the protagonist’s life. The chapter will release this weekend on March 18, 2022. All chapters of the manhwa are available on the official pages of Kakaopage. Thus, stay in touch with this space to get more updates on the same.

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