Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158: Takagi’s Wish Gets Jinxed! Release Date

Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 158Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 158

Monthly Sunday Magazine

Once again this month, the beautiful love story between Takagi and Nishikata will fill the internet with wholesomeness. The last chapter was one of the most beautiful outings of the story so far. It had nothing but Takagi and Nishikata walking home and talking about growing up. Nishikata’s argument was that adults don’t forget to do their homework. Thus, there was no trouble for them. Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158 is set for a release this month. Thus, before reading the chapter, here is everything there is to know about it.

In the upcoming storyline, it is possible that Takagi’s wish will get jinxed. She had wished that things were always this sorted between her and Nishikata. But something will surely come up in the next chapter of Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san. Fans believe that some school work will create a rift between these cupids. What is your guess about the same?

Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158: What Will Happen Next?

The upcoming chapter of Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san will take up another tale of innocence and quirkiness shared between Nishikata and Takagi. Since most chapters of the manga take up different storylines, one cannot suggest what the plot of the next chapter could be. But it is confirmed that this chapter will deal with a rift between these two.

So many of the times when Takagi wished that things remained beautiful and lovely between them, something came up, and they ended up fighting. Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158 might bring up an argument that would grow into a bigger row. But what is more interesting to see is who would try to solve the argument. Will Tagaki be the one sorting the conflict? Or will it be Nishikata? The next chapter will give us all the answers.

Previous Chapter Recap!

The 157th chapter of Teasing Master Tagaki-San began with Takagi and Nishikata walking home together. Nishikata said that he wished he was a grown-up. Tagaki asked why he felt that way and whether it was because adults don’t get detention. Nishikata frowned and said that adults don’t forget to do their homework. But right then, he walked ahead and showed Takagi a rabbit made by his shadow. Tagaki giggled and told him how mature he was acting.

But she played along, and the two of them forged many shadow animals. Then Takagi leaned forward and clicked the picture of a shadow she had made. It was the illusion of the two of them kissing. She asked him what it was. If he wanted to be mature, then why couldn’t he say the word, said Takagi. The chapter ended with Takagi mentioning that she wanted things to be this way forever.

Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158: Release Date

Tagaki and Nishikata share the most beautiful bond when the two of them are alone. Teasing Master Tagaki-San Chapter 158 is deemed to release this month of March 15, 2022. Between the 15th to 20th, the chapter might release any time. The chapter will be found in Shogakukan’s Monthly Shonen Sunday magazine. Stay in touch with this space to get more updates on upcoming manga releases.

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