Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159: The Big Favor! Release Date

Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159

Monthly Sunday

Once again this week, the story of Takagi San will take us into the quirky world of love and fun. In the story so far, the two middle schoolers were prepping for the independent school project. It was revealed that Nishikata was planning to make a ranking of the most beautiful scenery pictures. But he found out that Takagi had clicked much better pictures than him. Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159 will tell us if Takagi’s effort made him get a good score or not. So, here is everything you need to know about the latest chapter.

In the upcoming storyline, fans can hope to see Nishikata thanking Takagi for helping him in making the independent project. This was certainly a beautiful gesture by her. But now, Nishikata owes her a big favor for the future. What are you expecting next from the story?

Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159: What Will Happen Next?

The previous chapter was one of the most beautiful days of summer that Takagi and Nishikata spent together. Neither of them had expected that the day would go by in such a manner. Adding to this beautiful memory was the day of the presentation. At the end of it all, Nishikata finds that Takagi was clicking all those pictures for him only. Now, Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159 will pick up from this point itself.

Readers can hope to see the result of the independent project. Since Takagi was kind enough to lend her pictures to Nishikata, it is most likely that he will get a good score in the class. The next chapter will also feature Takagi’s independent project.

A Quick Recap!

In the 158th chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-San, Takagi went up to Nishikata, who was clicking pictures of ladybugs in the bushes, to ask if he was working on the independent research. He replied that he was planning to rank the pictures of some of the most beautiful scenarios around. Takagi showed him a click of Martin feeding her babies. As expected, he was both surprised and shocked at how she had taken the picture. He decided that he was going to explore around and get the best pictures out there.

Just as he went out, he received a number of photos from Takagi. All of them were simply brilliant. He looked around and saw a shell. He held it up and exclaimed that a picture of that object was going to get the first prize. On the day of the presentation, everyone was praising the pictures that were on the wall. Takagi mentioned that Nishikata had forgotten to put her name on the project. She took the marker and wrote ‘Nishikata Observation Journal’ over it.

Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159: Release Date

The teasing and quirkiness between these two cupids will continue in the next outing as well. Thus, Teasing Master Takagi-San Chapter 159 is set to release this weekend on March 26, 2022. All chapters of the manga will be available in Yen Press’ Monthly Shonen Sunday. The chapters release on the digital platforms soon after the launch. Lastly, stay in touch with The Anime Daily to get more updates on the same.

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