The God Of Highschool Chapter 559: End Of Mubong! Release Date

The God Of Highschool Chapter 559


The God Of Highschool Chapter 559 will be the end of the long-coming battle between Mubong and Mori. The previous chapter featured the one-on-one fight between Mubong and Mori. However, Mubong gave a hard time to Mori. Mori sent all the other dimensional creatures to their respective places. Moreover, the end of Mubong happened with a special attack from Mori that completely ruined him.

The next chapter might not be as violent as the previous chapters. It will be about the pain and suffering that Mubong went through to become the Jacheon. Moreover, the guilt of Mubong and Mori will come to the surface after such a violent fight. Both of them did not listen to each other during the fight. But the next chapter will emerge as the way to share each other’s opinions. Read out more about this in the article below!

The God Of Highschool Chapter 559: Mubong’s End!

Finally, the battle that seemed to be endless will end in The God Of Highschool Chapter 559. Mubong will be on his deathbed mourning his wrongdoings. However, he has shaken the flow of space and time in the Milky Way. So there will be some consequences in the upcoming chapter. However, it is not clear if it is certainly happening in the upcoming chapter. The prime focus of the next chapter will be Mubong.

His guilt for all the destruction will come out in the upcoming chapter. He was quite arrogant about his power which was invincible. However, Mubong could not even see the Taekwando attack from Mori Jin. He might also give his powers to Mori as he proved himself superior to Mubong in the previous chapter. Even a God like Mubong could not predict the physical attacks from Mori.

A Fierce One-One-One Battle!

The 558th chapter of the titular manhwa was all about the amazing battle between Mubong and Mori. Both of them opted to fight face-to-face after a range of long-range attacks. These moves shattered the physical elements of their Galaxy. However, Mori resolved a way to sort out this thing and nullified all attacks. The rod power showed its move again in the previous chapter.

Mubong and Mori started fighting with their fists. They were arguing about each other’s ideologies and principles. However, Mubong was not listening to Mori’s logic. He was just throwing his irrelevant theories on Mori. This made Mori extremely angry, and he launched a special attack on Mubong. But he dodged it and attacked Mori with a thousand fists attack. But this time, Mori was ready, and he shattered the move with Taekwando tactics.

The God Of Highschool Chapter 559: Release Date

The next chapter of the God of Highschool will appear after a week. So The God Of Highschool Chapter 559 might release on September 9, 2022. However, there is no certain info on the release as the makers might put it on break. But there is no such news for now. Keep tracking the articles on The Anime Daily not to miss any updates!

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