Tower Of God Chapter 540: Baam Joins The Lo Po Bia Family? Release Date

Tower of God Chapter 540


The story of Tower of God took an unexpected turn with the last week’s release. In the previous chapter, the conversation between Baam and Traumerei took a long and tedious time. The leader of the Lo Po Bia family wanted to know what Baam had that other members of the family don’t. It turned out that he was just as ordinary as the rest of the humans. Thus, Traumerei finally put forth the offer of Baam joining the family. So, will Baam accept the offer in Tower Of God Chapter 540? Here is everything you need to know about the newest chapter of the manhwa.

The next chapter of ToG will open with Baam’s decision to accept or reject the offer put forth by Traumerei. There is a good chance that he is not going to take the offer. Because marrying Traumerei’s daughter meant that he would have to abide by the family leader at all times. Thus, he might not choose this path.

Tower Of God Chapter 540: What Will Happen Next?

The next chapter of Tower of God will look at what Baam decides to do with the offer that Traumerei just presented to him. From Gods to humans to monsters, all were intimidated by Traumerei’s powers in the Tower. However, it was only Baam who never even flinched at the thought of him getting in the way of the family leader. This was the sole reason why the leader of the Lo Po Bia family wanted him to be a part of the family.

For now, he does not even know that Baam has been carrying Leviathan inside his body. Once he comes to know of that, he would capture him by hook or by crook. Thus, the safest option for Baam is to join the family. If he refuses in Tower Of God Chapter 540, he would have no choice but to fight this Godly Man.

Previous Chapter Recap!

In the 539th chapter of Tower of God, the fight between Traumerei and Baam was on the highest level. Traumerei told Baam that he had been meaning to meet him for a long time now. However, Leviathan inside Baam was raged because he was being exposed to Baam’s vulnerable memories. All he wanted was to kill Baam and be free to do anything within the Tower. In the Cat Tower, the fight was still going on without any conclusion.

Yasurachya arrived to interrupt Traumerei’s conversation with Baam. But he unleashed all the creatures in his possession to scare the intruders telling them not to come to them again. Traumerei stepped forward and asked Baam if he would like to be a part of his family. The proposal was to marry one of his daughters and become a part of his family.

Tower Of God Chapter 540: Release Date

There is no break in the release of this outing of Tower Of God. Thus, Baam’s most incredible fight so far will release in due time this week. Tower Of God Chapter 540 will release this week on April 24, 2022. Fans will be able to read all the chapters of the manhwa only on the official pages of Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage. Thus, stay in touch with The Anime Daily to get more updates on the same.

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