Berserk Manga: Publisher Shares A Letter About The Future Of The Manga

Berserk Manga

Berserk Chapter 364 is already out, and fans have mixed emotions about the end of the manga. The entire internet is divided by one question, i.e., is this the end of Berserk manga? Well, there is no solid answer to that for the time being. Some theories suggest that the manga would continue to publish until the Fantasia Arc comes to an end. Other speculations imply that the manga might discontinue serialization after the demise of author Kentaro Miura. So, what is to be believed? Is Berserk actually ending? Here is all you need to know.

Recently, the publisher of Young Adult magazine, Hukushensha, published a heart-rending letter for the fans. The letter touches upon many aspects regarding the manga. From remembering the lost legend to the future plans, Hukushensha mentioned them all. The future of the manga may be uncertain, but Young Adult is trying its best to keep fans in the loop with all the updates.

Berserk Manga: Publisher Shares A Letter With Fans

Hukushensha, the publisher of Young Adult magazine, shared a heartfelt letter with the fans in regards to the future of the Berserk Manga. The letter began with gratitude for the fans of the manga. The publisher thanked the audience for their kind support and patience. The letter read that Berserk’s team is extremely proud that they have been able to release the latest edition of the comic book in a tough time like this. Later on, the publisher talks about the manga being a memorial edition for Kentaro Miura.

It was also mentioned in the letter that Young Adult Magazine had used the ink of Kentaro’s Sketching to cover the magazine’s art. The letter revealed that this was to honor the memory of the lost legend. Even though the chapter was not personally drawn by the artist, it still holds the value of his work. Hence, they decided to use his personal ink in the magazine. This will surely give fans a personal appeal to the magazine.

What Will Be Berserk’s Future?

On the other hand, the publisher asked the fans to keep supporting their work in the future. In an uncertain time like this, Young Animal and the team of Berserk would need their support to continue their journey. Hukushensha revealed that Berserk was a powerful part of their lives. He also compared the manga to Guts’ Mighty Iron Sword, which was beside him all through his journey. Talking about the future of the manga, the publisher stated that he does not have any solid answer to fans’ queries.

He wrote that at Young Animal, their first priority is to stick to Miura’s ideals. The team does not want to drift away from Kentaro’s original vision. Thus, they always operate under the original ideas of the author. The letter concluded by thanking all the fans of the Berserk MAnga. Hukushensha stated that they are still in the process of coming to a solid decision. Until then, fans are asked to keep supporting the team. Keep coming back to The Anime Daily for more updates on the story.

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