How To Fight Chapter 165: Uncovering The Truth! Release Date & Plot

How To Fight Chapter 165

Credit: Webtoon

The last chapter was all about ‘never let them know your next move.’ Who would have thought that cute Joo Minseon was just biding her time, waiting to make her big move and kidnap Yuna? But, our boy Park Taehoon saw right through her facade and put the pieces together like a true detective. It seems that she was pretending to play house with Joo. In reality, she had connections with the gangsters. But fans are left wondering how did he figure it out? Here is all you need to know about How To Fight Chapter 165 release date and plot.

Next time in How To Fight, Hobin and Taehoon are about to kick some serious gangster butt. The Dad of their pretend family has sold off Yuna. But there is much for fans to know before Taehon does anything. So keep reading to find out!

How To Fight Chapter 165: What Will Happen Next?

How To Fight Chapter 165 will see Taehoon confront Joo Minseon. Fans are on edge to find out why Joo betrayed her sister Yuna. At the same time, many behind-the-scenes events took place in Chapter 164. Taehoon kept a close eye and will explain to the readers what had happened so far. He also needs to make sure that the Mom is not hiding anything. Everyone in the house had some secrets. Will the Mom come out as corrupt as well?

Meanwhile, Hobin will soon come to aid Taehoon. They need to find the Dad and Yuna before it’s too late. Minseon can help. Will Taehoon trust her? But first, Taehoon needs to know what her issue is. He will try to resolve them. And maybe they can come to terms to have a deal. At last, it will be interesting to see how the gangsters take on Taehoon and Hobin.

A Quick Recap!

Previously in How To Fight Chapter 165, Taehoon confronted the Dad. He asked them who was behind them and what are their intentions. The Dad pleaded Taehoon not to expose whatever he was about to tell. It all started with a regular meeting between many other Runaway Fam Dads. However, a gang came and tortured them. They cut their ears and took them as hostages. The gangsters forced them to hand over all the runaway kids. Hearing this, Taehoon asked him to be the Dad again. He was plotting something. 

Taehoon asked to sell him off to the foreigners as the Dad would soon meet them. It would be the only way he could meet the kids. Back at their shelter, Taehoon met Minseo and Yuna, who offered him tea. They asked him to become the Dad once more. But he refused. He then asked them why the two were always together. The girls replied that they were a family. However, in the end, the Mom and Minseon came running to Taehoon. They claimed that the Dad and Yuna were kidnapped. The chapter ended after Taehoon pointed out that Minseon was the culprit.

How To Fight Chapter 165: Release Date

The manhwa releases weekly on webtoon. How To Fight Chapter 165 will release on January 14, 2023. Fans can read all the chapters of the manga only on the official pages of Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage. Keep an eye on this page for all the latest updates and spoilers. And remember, The Anime Daily is your go-to source for all things manhwa, so don’t miss out!

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