Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible Chapter 90: Junta Heals! Release Date

The Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible manga is an exceptional story on its own. In a time where Shonen mangas are dominating the market, this slice-of-life story catches the best of human emotions. Now, Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible Chapter 90 is only two days away, and fans are looking forward to the new troubles in the Junta’s life. However, it seems like the boy is finally coming out of the dark mental pit. The company of Nagisa and Seita is working well for him. So, here is all you need to know about the new chapter.

In the upcoming chapter, Junta will realize that he is finally overcoming his anxiety. This is because he is finally feeling comfortable with Nagisa and Seita. As a result, he will try to convey his affection for Nagisa. Fans are intrigued to see what will come next in the manga.

Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible Chapter 90: Plot Details

In the forthcoming chapter of Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invincible, fans can expect to see a new storyline play out. Most of the chapters in the manga are never connected to one another. Thus, the next chapter will deal with the same characters in a new situation. The characters will find new errands to work with. Fans are overjoyed to see the growth within Junta. Since the beginning of the manga, the boy has been struggling with his internal conflicts.

Making happiness was difficult for him. Thus, seeing him smile was a fresh change in the story. So, Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invincible Chapter 90 will continue to develop this change within Junta. He will try to spend more time with the people close to him. Nagisa and Seita have been able to make him smile after a long time. Thus, he will try to stay close to them.


Previous Chapter Recap!

In the previous chapter of Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible, Seita, Junta, and Nagisa were sitting in the park. Seita insisted on playing with bubbles. However, he could not do that properly. Thus, Nagisa took the vile and taught the boy how to blow bubbles. Seita became rejoiced to look at the bubbles. Later, he also learned how to create huge bubbles on his own. Thus, Nagisa blew the bubbles, and Seita began chasing them to burst them. Junta was also enjoying the fun time in the park.

After leaving the park, Nagisa insisted that they should go for dinner together. Thus, the three of them headed for the nearest diner. They all had hamburgers, steak, and cheese. The dinner night was also filled with laughter and giggles. The chapter ended with Junta realizing that he was feeling happy after a long time. As they all left, Junta felt grateful for the day.


Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible Chapter 90: Release Date

The latest chapter of the popular fantasy manga is only two days away. This outing surely has the potential to be an outstanding chapter. So, Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible Chapter 90 is scheduled to release on November 3, 2021. Fans will find all the chapters of the manga only on the official website of MangaPlus. In case of a delay, we will be sure to update this section. Stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more updates.

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