My Hero Academia Chapter 357: Endeavor Comes Up With A New Move! Release Date

My Hero Academia Chapter 357

Kōhei Horikoshi

My Hero Academia Chapter 357 will revolve around AFO’s faith and how he will deal with the heroes. Well, things have been quite challenging in Endeavor’s life since he started fighting with AFO. He was severely injured and lost one arm. However, despite this, he doesn’t want his older self to pity him. So he tried his best to kill AFO once and for all.

Now in chapter 357th, Endeavor will get Hawks’ help to defeat AFO. He will attack him, which will leave AFO in a vulnerable state. So he will drag him across the hill and attack him one last time. But something dangerous will take place. Keep reading to know more.

Kōhei Horikoshi

My Hero Academia Chapter 357: What Will Happen Next?

AFO will use force field Quirk to defeat Endeavor. AFO said nothing could be scarier than a wounded hero, hinting at Endeavor’s current condition. As for Endeavor, he gets Hawks’ help to attack AFO. He uses his Vanishing Jet Burn to attack the main villain. However, the damage was little to nothing. So Endeavor tells Hawks that with AFO shielding up, it was difficult for his attack to work on. But Prominence burned his body, and AFO collapsed to the ground. So Endeavor drags him before he could ever recover.

Meanwhile, AFO tries to use quirk, but Endeavor stops him and lanches fire on him. We also get to see some vision of older Shoto. Back in the present, Endeavor once again uses his Prominence Burn to stop AFO from using any tricks. But Hawks realizes that AFO is planning something big. Soon AFO reveals that he wants to test something since his current body can’t serve him more. Suddenly ears and eyes start to grow from the original body.

Kōhei Horikoshi

A Quick Recap!

The 356th chapter opened up with a powerful moment between Tokoyami and Jirou. She was sure he would catch her, so she jumped from his back. As for Tokoyami, he used the Black Abyss Ephemeral Ragnarok attack. It was enough to hit a strong AFO and destroy his mask. That made him weaker. AFO was surprised that something like this could hurt him. He used to dodge such technique in the past, but it seemed impossible to dodge now. AFO learned that his quirks were rebelling and betrayed him. So he started devouring the relics which were inside him.

Meanwhile, the Hawks prepared for another attack. He used Feather Blade to stop AFO from remaking his mask. AFO used several sharp blades to recover and remake his mask. But Endeavor arrived on the spot and jumped in front of those sharp blades. During this, he lost his right arm. Soon the scene switched where the young Endeavour was looking at his older self. He was aware of the fact that he was weaker, and he regrets it, but he assured him that whatever he did, his younger self would be proud of him.

Kōhei Horikoshi

My Hero Academia Chapter 357: Release Date

My Hero Academia follows a weekly release pattern. So we expect the upcoming chapter to release on June 24, 2022. It will finally reveal how Endeavor will defeat AFO. Stay tuned. The Anime Daily will keep you updated.

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