My Hero Academia Manga Discontinued For One Issue! Find Out Why

My Hero Academia Manga

Viz Media

Last month, the 41st September issue of Weekly Shonen Jump’s My Hero Academia manga went on an uncalled hiatus. It was revealed that the author of the manga was not well at that time. Almost a month after that, one more issue of the magazine is going to be devoid of the chapter. The 46th issue of the magazine noted that the next chapter of MHA was going to be on a break. So, what is the hiatus for? When will the next chapter come out? Here is all you need to know about it.

The story of MHA is currently in its final arc. It is speculated that the manga could come to an end anytime in the next six months. It is a common case in Final running arcs for stories to go on hiatuses. The chapters generally tend to be longer and more vivid. As for MHA, All For One has already horned the cry for war. The heroes are here, and so is the army of villains. Who will rule the world in the end?

Viz Media

My Hero Academia Manga: Why Was It Discontinued?

This weekend, the 46th issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine came out with MHA chapter 330. While the plot twist within the chapter was a cornerstone event in the story, there was also an update at the end of the chapter. In a note by the publishers, it was revealed that the My Hero Academia Manga would be discontinued for one issue. This implies that the manga would be on a hiatus for the next chapter. The reason for the break was not revealed in the note. It also mentioned the release details of the next issue.

Chapter 331 Plot Details!

The 330th chapter of My Hero Academia began with the fight between Stars and Tomura Shigaraki. Tomura had already planned the attack to capture Stars’ AFO mid-air. However, her quirk ‘New Order’ trapped Tomura in his own plan. Stars used the quirk to eliminate all the atmosphere around Shigaraki. She explained that if Tomura tried to move within the vacuum, he would get blasted in himself. This catalyzed the transfer of All For One into Shigaraki.

By the end of the chapter, All For One completes the entire transfer into Shigaraki’s body. Stars were stunned to see the ultimate enemy float through the sky in his new body. Now, Chapter 331 of the My Hero Academia manga would commence the battle between All For One and Stars & Stripes. The fight is likely to cause heavy collateral damage in Japan. As a result, pro heroes like Hawks, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist will arrive at the arena to neutralize the effects of the fight.

My Hero Academia Manga: New Release Date

The previous issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump mentioned the release date of the next chapter of the manga. The 46th issue revealed that My Hero Academia Manga will be continued from the 48th issue of the magazine. Now, according to the set schedule of the release, the next issue will launch on November 1, 2021. Thus, the chapter will appear on the official website of Viz Media on the same day. So, stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more updates.

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