Ningen Fushin Episode 7: Math Meets Mayhem! Plot & Release Date

Ningen Fushin Episode 7

Credit: Crunchyroll

Bare Knuckle Mathematics is not your typical math game. In this unique challenge, contestants engage in ten rounds of intense fighting while their teammates answer math questions to earn punches for their fighters. But the Iron Tigers plan to cheat using their member Beg. And the other Survivors must work together to catch him and level the playing field. Thus, here is all you need to know about Ningen Fushin Episode 7 release date and plot.

Next time in Ningen Fushin, all must unite and take a gamble against the cheaters. But things won’t be easy as Iron Tigers have many cheap tricks in their pocket. Keep reading to find out more!

Ningen Fushin Episode 7: What Will Happen Next?

The title of the next chapter will be ‘Gambling Lesson.’ The Survivors will go to a fancy restaurant to rejoice their victory over the Iron Tigers. Curran is excited to use her newfound math skills to find the best deals on the menu. However, things take a turn when they realize that the restaurant is owned by the same people who were behind the Bare-Knuckle Mathematics tournament. As they investigate, they find out that the restaurant is a front for a much larger criminal organization.

The Survivors are faced with a hard choice: do they turn a blind eye and enjoy the meal, or do they risk all to take down the criminals? With Curran’s math skills, they come up with a plan to expose the restaurant’s illegal activities to the authorities. The Survivors work together to bring down the organization, all while enjoying some of the best food they’ve ever tasted. In the end, they realize that even the smallest skills can be useful in the most unexpected ways.

A Quick Recap!

The title of Ningen Fushin Episode 6 was ‘Mathematics Bare Knuckle.’ In Bare Knuckle Mathematics, Nick and Leon fought while Curran and Claudine answered math questions. If Curran and Claudine answered the most questions correctly, their fighter got to punch the other fighter for free. Curran was not good at math. And Claudine cheated to win the first three rounds. This meant Nick got punched three times. 

The Survivors thought the Iron Tigers were cheating, so they came up with a plan to catch them. They asked all the questions at once, and Claudine used a special thing to cheat and get the answers. They caught the cheater, and the Iron Tigers got in trouble. Claudine was sad as she didn’t want to be bad. And Curran was happy as she learned math. She could now save money when she went to restaurants.

Ningen Fushin Episode 7: Release Date

New episodes of this anime series come out every week on Tuesdays. Ningen Fushin Episode 7 will come out on February 21, 2023. We will be sure to update this section in case there are any changes in the release details. Meanwhile, fans can catch up on the latest episode only on Crunchyroll. For more updates, stay tuned to The Anime Daily!

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