One Piece Episode 981: First Son Of The Sea Is Here! Release Date

One Piece Episode 981

Toei Animation

The title of One Piece Episode 981 is “A New Member! ‘First Son of the Sea’ Jinbe.” The title is suggestive of the return of the former Straw Hat member Jinbe. The man was on a break from voyaging and fighting. However, now that he is back, all the samurais and the pirates are celebrating his return. But realizing the severity of the situation, all of them gather soon enough to formulate a plan.

As the number of soldiers within the alliance has increased, it is just the right time for Luffy and the team to strike the Torii gate and enter the city of Onigashima. Even though Momonosuke said that he would be fine, it is still upon the Straw Hats to save the child. Will Jinbe’s return prove to be an asset to the pirates? Let’s find out in the newest episode of One Piece.

One Piece Episode 981: Plot Details & Preview!

As the preview and title of the upcoming episode suggests, we are about to witness the grand return of Jinbe. As soon as he arrives to save the day for the weary warriors, he explains the reasons for the delay. Now, with the new member, the samurais and the pirates discuss the plan of overtaking Onigashima. The team decides that Luffy and Kid will take camouflage and enter the city through the front gates. Hence, to help them, Law executes the soldiers guarding the gates.

Now, Luffy, Law, Kid, and the other samurais are within the boundaries of Wano. Whereas, Kaido, unaware of the plans, is on a trip of his own. We will also find out about the serpent’s new minion, Flying Six. How will the Beast Pirate fleet take on the incoming fleet? Is the war on the verge of bloodshed? Let’s find out when One Piece Episode 981 finally releases.


Previous Episode Recap!

The previous episode of One Piece was not the usual light-hearted fighting. We see that Kanjuro tries to escape with Momonosuke, and he succeeds. What follows is a rain of arrows that are falling upon the Straw Hats and the Akazaya Nine. While everyone tries to rescue back Momo, the Shogun of Wano tells them otherwise. Moreover, Momo makes a speech to his peers that they escape the rain and forge a plan to take back the Land of Wano.

His emotional speech charges everyone with motivation, and Luffy lets Kanjuro leave to Kaido and Orochi. Lastly, we see that the alliance start planning a siege to Wano.

One Piece Episode 981: Release Date

As usual, the latest episode of One Piece is all set to step foot on the screens this weekend. It is a piece of good news for the viewers because the series is not on hiatus this week. So, the newest episode of One Piece will premiere on July 4, 2021. You can watch all the episodes of this popular Toei Animation show on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix, and Hulu. So, make time and 9.30 PM because missing out on the fun will not be an option.

Are you excited to watch One Piece Episode 981? What are your thoughts about the ongoing war arcs? Let’s have a fruitful discussion in the comment box below. Lastly, for more latest news flashes on popular anime like One Piece, keep coming back to The Anime Daily.


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