Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1: From Revenge To Redemption! Plot & Release Date

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1

Credit: MAPPA Studio

The wait is finally over! After what felt like an eternity, Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1 is coming to the screens. Follow the journey of Thorfinn and his comrades as they continue to navigate the treacherous world of medieval Europe, filled with political intrigue and bloody battles. With stunning animation from MAPPA and a gripping plot, this season is a must-watch for hardcore history buffs and newcomers alike. Thus, here is the release date, plot, and a quick recap of the events that have taken place so far!

Episode 1 will first air on Japanese TV networks like BS11, TOKYO MX, and GBS. Don’t forget to stretch before diving into all the jargon– we don’t want any strained scrolling fingers on our watch!

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1: What Will Happen Next?

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1 will adapt the manga’s Slave Arc and focus on Thorfinn’s life as a slave in Denmark. As he struggles to find a new purpose after missing his chance to kill Askeladd, Thorfinn becomes despondent. However, this new setting also allows him to meet his first friend, Einar. He will experience new emotions and understand the concept of having a partner. The seinen anime will focus on their heartwarming friendship and growth. 

Thorfin will seek new meaning in his life even when all the odds are against him. Now, some of the fans may be thinking, ‘Hey, where’s all the action? I was promised swords and shields and Vikings and stuff!’ Don’t fret, there will be plenty of that as well. But Season 2 is also focusing on the drama and character growth, giving us a chance to get to know Thorfinn (and all his mood swings) a little better. So sit back, grab some popcorn, and get ready for a season filled with all the drama and Viking goodness your heart can handle.

A Quick Recap!

Earlier in Vinland Saga Season 1 Finale, Askeladd disagreed with King Sweyn’s order to take over Wales. Askeladd said that Wales was too poor to take over. And he offered to help make peace. Sweyn took Askeladd’s advice, but he made him choose between Wales and Canute. If he chose Wales, he had to give Canute’s head. Meanwhile, Leif Erikson almost got Thorfinn to sail with him, but the boy went back to the Imperial Council. Askeladd called Sweyn’s offer rude and bad. Instead, he claimed to be the rightful heir of Britannia as Lucius Artorius Castus.

On the other hand, Floki tried to save the king. But Askeladd killed Sweyn before anyone could help. At the same time, Thorkell told Canute that Askeladd was his guy, so Canute stabbed Askeladd in the heart. He died in Thorfinn’s arms. However, Thorfinn attacked Canute as he lost his last chance to kill Askeladd. But Canute took control and made himself king of England. As Thorfinn was being taken away, the knife’s blade mirrored past events that took place in Season 1 so far. The episode ended with shots of people who will debut in Vinland Saga Season 2.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1: Release Date

You can catch the Viking drama every Monday (let’s be real, who doesn’t love starting their week off with some good ol’ Norse bloodshed?). Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 1 will be dropping on January 10, 2023, at the ungodly hour of 12:30 AM JST. International fans can watch Episode 1 on January 9, 2023, on Netflix and Crunchyroll. Just make sure to double-check your local time because, you know, time zones and all that jazz. And for all you super fans out there, stay tuned to The Anime Daily for all the latest on the second season.

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