One Piece Chapter 1026: Luffy Vs. Kaido The Final Battle! Release Date

One Piece Chapter 1026

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For the past two weeks, fans have been desperately waiting for the next chapter of One Piece. As the Wano Kuni Arc is a significant part of the manga, the author is taking his due time to build the story piece by piece. In the previous chapter, fans saw that Luffy and Momonosuke successfully made it to the tower of Onigashima. There, Yamato was taking care of his father until help arrived. But now that help has finally reached him, what will happen in One Piece Chapter 1026? Can Luffy defeat Kaido in this state? Here is all you need to know.

In the forthcoming chapter of One Piece, fans can finally get ready with their cheering gear as the final showdown is here. Luffy and Kaido are face to face and ready to battle. But before that, Kid and Law will take care of the evil Big Mom. The game has begun, and anything can happen at this point.

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One Piece Chapter 1026: Plot Details

The title of the upcoming chapter of One Piece is “Crucial Time.” According to the plot details, the chapter will start at the Flower Capital, where people shop and celebrate the festivities. At the rooftop of Onigashima, Mary will report the events of the war to Kaido and the rest of the army. Cut to the main roof, Kaido will turn into a dragon form as soon as he sees Luffy. The civilians then notice the two dragons flying in the sky only to begin a gruesome battle.

Luffy, who is still riding on Momonosuke’s back, orders him to bite Kaido. At first, Momo refuses out of fear. But then he recalls all the horrors of his past and gathers the courage to attack the dragon. As he bit Kaido, the dragon wriggled in pain. The chapter ends with Luffy telling Momo to leave him with Kaido and take care of the rest of Onigashima. As Luffy and the serpent face one another in One Piece Chapter 1026, Orochi also watches the battles from the shadows of the towers.

Previous Chapter Recap!

In the 1025th chapter of One Piece, Momonasuke built the courage to take a flight atop the tower. Luffy told the Shogun of Wang that there was no way for them to reach the building other than flying, But Momonosuke responded by saying that he would not open his eyes while flying. Thus, the two began the journey. As Momo reached near the tower, he bumped into the building multiple times. The people of Onigashima thought that the flying beast was Kaido.

As the people watched closely, they realized that the dragon was not Kaido as it was a different color. Cut to the top of the tower, Luffy spotted Koldo and Yamato battling one another. Luffy knew that Momo would not be able to land them on a fixed spot. Thus, he asked him to execute a crash landing. The chapter ended with Kaido watching Luffy in disbelief. The former thought that the Straw Pirate did not survive the fall.

One Piece Chapter 1026: Release Date

After waiting for two weeks, fans can finally get their hands on the One Piece manga. The Wano Kubl Are is about to end, and anyone can end up at the Pirate King. Who is it going to be? One Piece Chapter 1026 will release this Sunday on September 26, 2021. Viz Media and Shonen Jump will publish the digital versions of the chapter on their official websites.

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