One Piece Chapter 1026 Delayed Again: Luffy Momo Yamato Vs. Kaido! New Release Date

One Piece Chapter 1026

Viz Media

Last week, Shonen’s editorial desk revealed that the latest chapter of One Piece is not going to make it to their magazine. So far, the reason for the hiatus is not clear. But it is safe to say that the break is one of the usual rest pauses for author Eiichiro Oda. On the brighter side, the makers have announced the release window of the next chapter, which makes the waiting period much less tensed. The War of Wano has entered its final act in One Piece Chapter 1026 and Luffy and Kaido are facing one another. Hence, things can drift either way from this point. So, here is all you need to know about the next edition.

The impending chapter of One Piece is all set to showcase the most anticipated battle royals. Luffy has finally come to Kaido to settle their rivalry. Moreover, Momonosuke and Yamato are also here to provide help. The action will play in the most heroic way possible. It will be exciting to see who will win this battle in the end.

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One Piece Chapter 1026: Plot Details

The upcoming chapter is one of the most anticipated outings of the One Piece manga. Luffy has finally come to upfront Kaido, and the serpent cannot believe his eyes. By the end of the chapter, Luffy thanked Yamato for taking care of Kaido while he was away. Later, he gave an evil grin to Kaido as if to mock him with his arrival. However, it is still too soon to expect a one on one between Monkey D Luffy and Kaido. For now, Luffy, Yamato, and Momonosuke will battle the Beast Pirate all at once.

Moreover, fans can expect to see Kaido’s dragon form in the next chapter. Fighting three warriors at once is likely to overwhelm Kaido. Thus, he will ditch his human form and become the great beast. In One Piece Chapter 1026, Kaido might also try to manipulate Yamato to join his side. He may play mind tricks with her to make her lose trust in Luffy and the samurais. It will be fascinating to see how battles play out in the final act.

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Previous Chapter Recap!

In Chapter 1025 of One Piece, Luffy and Momonsuke finally made it to the top of the tower. However, their journey took up the entire course of the chapter to build up. At first, Momonosuke could not even bear to look at the tower because of his phobia of heights. However, Luffy encouraged him to get over the anxiety and glance at the rooftop. But Momo continued to fly with a spontaneity which led to him bumping across towers.

The civilians of Onigashima thought that the dragon was, in fact, Kaido who had gone rogue over the rebellion. However, seeing Luffy on its back cleared the confusion. After getting hurt by the collisions, Momo finally gathered the courage to open his eyes and navigate the flight. Luffy located Yamato and Kaido on the top of the roof. Thus, he asked Momo to land him on the roof. Over the tower, Luffy jumped right between Yamato and Kaido. The chapter ended with the shocked face of Kaido, who believed that Luffy was dead.

One Piece Chapter 1026: Release Date

The One Piece manga is going on a hiatus for a short while. The news was updated by Shonen and the author himself. Luckily, the editorial desk mentioned that the break would not last longer than a week. Thus, fans can expect to get the new chapter the next Sunday ie, September 26, 2021. The chapter will release on the official website of Viz Media and Shonen. Lastly, stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more new updates.

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